


  • 高等数学课程不仅要传授数学的知识和数学的思想,而且更重要的是培养学生的思维能力、分析问题和解决问题的能力。根据不同的教学内容,优化组合不同的教学方法,让每个学生的思维都处于积极状态,使教师的主导作用与学生的主体作用有机结合起来,强调学生的核心地位。
  • 数学思想与方法,是数学知识的精髓,是形成良好认知结构的纽带,也是知识转化为解决实际问题能力的教学实践。因此,将理论知识应用于实际是数学教学不可或缺的环节。





【学生推荐2】I have taken your calculus in my freshmen year in UM-SJTU Trial Class.Now I am at University of New Mexico as an exchange student from EIEE SJTU.After taking some classes here, I feel that your teaching style and professional level is of the first class internationally.Without your help, I would never be the person what I am now, let alone get this opportunity to come to the USA.

【学生推荐3】It is my fortune to come cross excellent instructors in my entire life. Your rigorous teaching style opens my eyes and makes me deeply touched with the accuracy of mathematics. And your vivid explanations makes me sometimes even considered transferring from Electronic Engineering which I now major in to the mathematics department and let me get to know that learning Mathematical Analysis can also be fun. And your kind care to me makes me feel extremely warm during my leg and my arm was broken last semester.